Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Mistake.

I never should have assumed somebody in the blogosphere needed help of any kind, thru me, thru blogging.

That was the second mistake.

The first mistake was my desire for self promotion.

Added together, I should not have been blogging at all, nor offering myself.

For those Mistakes, I beg your forgiveness.

For things said in the midst, I apologized for those.


Sophia said...

I never once got the impression that you were trying to promote yourself.

Those of us that read your blogs do so because we take an interest in you, your life, your activities, your interests, your mind. It's something we enjoy doing. ("We" being myself and others who come to read your blog, like Vincent or Rob.) And, we like you. :) And, you have some very interesting and transcending things to say.

Jim said...

You are very kind Sophia.

Thanks to all!

I return the appreciation, rightfully, deservedly.

Jim said...


I got your comment just as I deleted that post. I deleted it because I just came back on line to find your email saying no to the offer and bragging about phoenix.

I deleted it so tim couldn't have any.

Anyway, the phishing thing is okay, I have an acct with paypal but don't use it, empty, spam their emails and ads.

Take care, Sophia.

Tim said...

sorry to have bothered you, jim.

Jim said...

Hey Tim, didn't bother me, just kidding about not wanting you to have any of those womens clothes and shoes and accessories, no problem.

What is up with you these days?

Tim said...

Honestly, struggling.

Jim said...

Yeah, going around I guess, lol, hope you stay afloat. Life can throw punches sometimes.

serenity said...

I too have never had any impression of self promotion of any kind, only a heart for being of service with a lot of generosity.

I also agree that people read what is written for their interest and for where it meets them in their own understandings.

Peace to you always, Jim.

Jim said...

Serenity, thanks, but I disagree with both you and Sophia, on that self-promotion, at least to some extent, I think I was.

I think self-promotion is like when someone tries thru dialogue and contexts to manipulate anothers thinking. That is what I think should not be being practised, especially without the other person knowing the practisioner and the type of practise involved in very careful detail.

I think I am guilty of that sometimes, too.

Jim said...

And since I am on the subject, I think some of us are using the blogways as observational laboratories wherein they manipulate unknowing victims into psychological contexts for whatever may be to the interests of the manipulators and observors. I don't think a person should become a guinea pig for the pleasure of others in an organized set up for any reason, even education, without the approval of that person who becomes the subject.

Hence, no more blogging for me.

serenity said...

I think you make some very important observations in your last comment, words that are important for many reasons and in many contexts.

I think exposing vulnerabilities, and writing by way of blogging is unique because it allows others to reach out with their reactions to people they don't know, and I think there are individuals who don't take much care in what they say, causing hurt and damage often times on nothing more than their own entertainment or whim....other times there are some who are only reacting from their own pain and personal struggle.

I still disagree with you about yourself in this regard...from what I've known and seen of you and your writing I have only ever seen someone trying to be of help and encouragement to others.

When someone like me with a loving and tolerant (and too often naive) heart exposes themselves in a very personal way online, revealing their personal search for truth (which is not always pretty or easy), and invites others into that struggle, it can be easy to become confused on where to draw lines in the sand, wanting to be fair in all things and receptive to where their own personal truth may lead them. This can leave them open to predation.

My own blogging experience has taught me a lot about myself.

But I now find it necessary to take a step back, focus on self expression through my artwork for a while, shut down the commenting system on my own blog, and spend some time in hiatus from online writing...to have some time for quiet evaluation. For a change, I am not running away in fear or hurt, but rather looking toward something else.

Thank you for opening this commenting portion up and for responding, as even in these words I find some personal clarification, and strength in my own resolve. I imagine that wasn't your intention, and I understand what you are saying, but I thank you nonetheless.

Peace and love be with you always.

Jim said...

Serenity, self-preservation takes many forms, any can be faulted by someone.

I never meant to hurt anyone, and I don't like revenge and discourage it, my best to you and yours, always, I wish nothing harmful to come to anyone for any reason.

Love and Peace always Serenity. Jim.

Anonymous said...

Jim, you are a welcome presence. We are blessed to know you.

Jim said...

Rob, thanks, I have always thought that way about you. I think you are a special gift to us all.